Discrimination and Equality

Global News

Added on: 05/16/2019
China’s LGBT community has had a tough year: Censors have shut down social media forums, news media have curbed coverage of gay issues, and online shops have…

Global News

Added on: 05/16/2019
Pride in London is the one day of the year that the city feels like it belongs to LGBTQ+ people – which was why I was so…

Global News

Added on: 05/16/2019
For his first two weeks in Brazil’s Congress in February, David Miranda was too scared to take the microphone. Far-right firebrand Jair Bolsonaro, known for homophobic and…

Global News

Added on: 05/15/2019
The Trump administration does not support the Equality Act, which the House is expected to take a vote on Friday. “The Trump administration absolutely opposes discrimination of…

Global News

Added on: 05/15/2019
Malaysia must not bow down to international pressure over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues, says PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He said although the…

Global News

Added on: 05/15/2019
For four days in March, a sanctuary for queer and trans people sprung up in Tunisia — a country where being gay is illegal. Mawjoudin Queer Film…

Global News

Added on: 05/15/2019
With UK politics so intensely focused on Brexit, it might be easy to forget that, as Britain’s international reputation continues to suffer, there are important domestic issues…

Global News

Added on: 05/15/2019
Eight men have been charged by police in Bangladesh for the 2016 murders of LGBT+ rights activists Xulhaz Mannan and Mahbub Tonoy. Mannan and Tonoy were brutally…

Global News

Added on: 05/14/2019
Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Armenia have the most restrictive lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality laws and policies in Europe, a campaign group says. Azerbaijan scored just…

Global News

Added on: 05/14/2019
The desperation of daily life in Honduras is driving thousands of people to join other Central American migrants in their long march northward toward what they hope…

Global News

Added on: 05/14/2019
Assaults in France on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people hit a new record in 2018, “a dark year” for the LGBT community, French group SOS Homophobie…

Global News

Added on: 05/14/2019
Reacting to the news that a Pride march organized by students at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara has been violently broken up by police…

Global News

Added on: 05/13/2019
Democratic lawmakers are trying to make amends for a dark period in U.S. history — when thousands of federal employees were fired or forced to resign between…

Global News

Added on: 05/13/2019
Nonbinary activist Jamie Windust is petitioning UK’s Parliament for gender-neutral passport options. While some countries offer a third gender option on passports, the United Kingdom currently does…

Global News

Added on: 05/13/2019
The internet has sent a picture of LGBTI Mexicans, purportedly arrested for homosexuality in 1935, viral in the past few days. The photo belongs to the collection…

Global News

Added on: 05/13/2019
Taiwan’s ruling party unveiled its latest attempt to create Asia’s first gay marriage law on Thursday, May 9, a bill offering same-sex couples “permanent unions” as well…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
Gay-rights activists organizing on social media held an unauthorized march Saturday down eight blocks of one of Havana’s main thoroughfares before they were stopped by police. The…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
A veteran who was dismissed from Britain’s Royal Navy because of his sexual orientation, has planned to sue the UK’s Defence Ministry for the return of his…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
When the Sultan of Brunei last week announced a moratorium on the much-condemned death penalty for gay sex, some hailed the move as a major advance. But…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
More than 1,000 LGBT rights advocates and opponents yesterday demonstrated outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei ahead of a cross-caucus negotiation on bills related to same-sex marriage….

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
A gay couple from Trento who had two children in Canada with the help of an egg donor and a surrogate mother cannot both be named as…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
In the first five months of 2019 alone, the number of Japanese municipalities with a “partnership system” recognizing same-sex relationships has doubled. While Japan’s national government has…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
Mexico’s Supreme Court asked the state of Jalisco on Wednesday to grant a new birth certificate to a resident there to reflect the fact the person changed…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
In Nigeria, LGBT people suffer various forms of discrimination at all levels within the society, even from within the Christian faith. Many Nigerians believe the Bible condemns…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
The next Australian government must prioritise laws to ban schools from expelling or discriminating against gay students and teachers, LGBT+ advocates said on Thursday, amid an election…

Global News

Added on: 05/10/2019
Around 85% of LGBTQ students in China report struggling with depression, according to a survey. The poll, carried out by Beijing Normal University and analysed by Chinese…

Global News

Added on: 05/10/2019
Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific rolled out a new promotional campaign this week – though one ad, in particular, stole the spotlight. Netizens have posted photos of…

Global News

Added on: 05/10/2019
In an act of brave defiance, a group of LGBTI Russians commemorated the gay victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Leading LGBTI activist Petr Voskresenskii secretly planned the…

Global News

Added on: 05/10/2019
As the Muslim world gets stuck into observing and celebrating the holiest month on the Islamic calendar, LGBTI Muslims are preparing themselves in an entirely different way….

Global News

Added on: 05/09/2019
During a dialogue where Raul Castro’s daughter was present, members of the Cuban LGTBQ community were told the now-canceled gay parade would be used by foreign forces…