South America

Global News

Added on: 03/21/2021
A former priest and LGBTQ activist who has blessed same-sex unions in Pope Francis’ home country, Argentina, is leaving the Roman Catholic Church after the Vatican issued…

Global News

Added on: 03/12/2021
BOGOTA, Colombia, March 11, 2021 /CNW/ — During the first virtual “Annual Tourism Forum in Canada,” launched by ProColombia in February, it successfully facilitated 563 one-on-one meetings,…

Global News

Added on: 03/02/2021
A main Afro-Colombian port city on Colombia’s western coast, Buenaventura has long been considered one of the most violent places in the country. It was here the…

Global News

Added on: 02/18/2021
SAO PAOLO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A group of major Brazilian churches came under fire for supporting LGBT+ people for the first time in an annual Lent…

Global News

Added on: 01/25/2021
The short film Hazte Sentir (Make Yourself Heard) documents a moment in the lives of LGBT refugees in Manaus, the largest city in Brazil’s Amazonas state. Cineola…

Global News

Added on: 01/17/2021
On 4 January, Brazil’s six-time Ballon d’Or winner Marta logged onto Instagram and posted three pictures of herself alongside her partner and Orlando Pride teammate Toni Deion…

Global News

Added on: 01/12/2021
On a recent Sunday in the Salaverry household in Montevideo, various members of Uruguayan transgender teenager Sebastian’s family gathered for a traditional “asado,” or barbecue. The family…

World Voices

Added on: 01/08/2021
Savita Sukul
Alturi Contributor
Guyana seems to have its ups and downs when appropriately handling the community of people that identify as LGBTI, according to Cracey and Candacie from Guyana Trans…

Global News

Added on: 01/01/2021
While 2020 has been a rough year for just about everyone, 2020 has also been a year of many intersex victories and of the overall global advancement…

World Voices

Added on: 12/24/2020
Sarah Leistico
Alturi Contributor
How did you initially become involved with activism and policy change? I have known since I was four-years-old that I am transgender. Later in life, after returning…

Global News

Added on: 12/18/2020
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — (AP) — Angeles Rojas strides down the hall of the Argentine state bank, passed portraits on the walls of past bank presidents who…

Global News

Added on: 12/17/2020
Growing up in an indigenous village in the Colombian Amazon, Junior Sangama long hid his sexuality — before clashing with his family and choosing to leave. But…

Global News

Added on: 12/12/2020
Bolivia’s civil registry authorized for the first time a same sex civil union following a two-year legal battle, a decision activists in the Andean nation hope will…

Global News

Added on: 11/29/2020
Two years after the murder of popular Brazilian councilwoman Marielle Franco, her partner Monica Benicio has also won a council seat and vowed to fight for justice…

Global News

Added on: 11/25/2020
While the U.S. still bans transgender people from serving in the military, a new employment quota for Argentina’s army will soon require the service’s personnel to be…

Global News

Added on: 11/19/2020
On Sunday, in the midst of a pandemic, Brazil voted to choose city councilors and mayors. The results show a confusing electoral scenario in which the so-called…

Global News

Added on: 11/16/2020
Transgender candidates on Monday celebrated a series of historic wins in municipal elections in Brazil, where they were allowed to run for the first time under their…

Global News

Added on: 11/13/2020
President Jair Bolsonaro drew criticism Tuesday for telling Brazilians not to deal with Covid-19 like “a country of fags,” the far-right leader’s latest controversial outburst on the…

Global News

Added on: 11/02/2020
The pontiff expressed his support in an interview shown in an Italian documentary, saying, “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they…

Global News

Added on: 10/24/2020
Venezuela’s president has called on his country to take up the issue of same-sex marriage following the Pope’s comments endorsing civil unions. On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolas…

Global News

Added on: 10/03/2020
Politicians deepen existing divides when they use inflammatory language, such as hate speech, and this makes their societies more likely to experience political violence and terrorism. That’s…

Global News

Added on: 09/28/2020
MEXICO CITY (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A pair of drag queens will grace the October cover of Vogue in Brazil, the magazine said on Monday, marking a…

Global News

Added on: 09/27/2020
Rainbow colours and war cries have rung out at the centre of Montevideo as Uruguayans gathered for the annual LGBT pride parade wearing masks undeterred by the…

Global News

Added on: 09/25/2020
Over three years ago, the Chilean government sent a bill to Congress to uphold same-sex marriage. The bill has not moved forward. Instead, Chile has been taking…

Global News

Added on: 09/15/2020
BOGOTA (Reuters) – At least 63 members of Colombia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community were killed in the first eight months of this year, the…

Global News

Added on: 09/08/2020
Argentina’s president is now requiring 1% of public sector jobs be set aside for transgender people. In a decree signed by President Alberto Fernández signed a decree…

Global News

Added on: 09/08/2020
(Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The number of transgender people killed in Brazil this year has risen by 70% over last year, according to research underscoring the South…

Global News

Added on: 08/29/2020
Marking an historical first in Pope Francis’s home country, the Diocese of San Luis in northern Argentina invited a transgender woman Tuesday to read one of the…

Global News

Added on: 07/23/2020
Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s “proudly” homophobic president, has been globally criticised for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, consistently playing down the virus despite recently contracting it himself….

Global News

Added on: 07/20/2020
As a gay man growing up in Brazil, Afif Sarhan was banned from donating blood for most of his life. “I thought, ‘Why is my blood inferior…