LGBT+ Catholic Couples in Brazil Seek Blessing after Vatican Approval


“The love of God is for everyone, and the church has finally had the courage to accept that,” declares 25-year-old Daniella Cardozo from Rio de Janeiro. Bisexual, she has been in a relationship with Marianne de Luna, 28, since mid-2020. A Catholic, she plans to seek a blessing for their union after the Vatican’s approval. In a historic decision, the Apostolic See authorized the blessing for same-sex spouses this Monday (18). In Brazil, the National Network of LGBT+ Catholic Groups celebrates the news. For the group, it recognizes and validates the existence of diverse families by the Catholic Church. It is, they say, a positive step towards visibility and acceptance of different forms of love in the community. However, the papal government did not change its ban on same-sex marriage. The text signed by Pope Francis emphasizes that the act of liturgical giving to same-sex couples should in no way resemble marriage. According to Cardinal Odilo Scherer, archbishop of São Paulo, the opinion is clear. “These are blessings granted by the Church to individuals. This is different from celebrating a marriage or taking action with legal and institutional effects,” he wrote to Folha.

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