
Global News

Added on: 04/05/2019
Tens of thousands of campaigners descended on the streets of Verona over the weekend to show their opposition to an anti-LGBT+ and anti-abortion conference whose self-avowed goal…

Global News

Added on: 04/05/2019
LGBTI groups in Turkey have reportedly been trying to survive hate murders, abuse, rape, and inequality in what reportedly is a very polarised society. A society in…

Global News

Added on: 04/05/2019
Same-sex marriage has become legal in the Cayman Islands following a landmark court case brought by a lesbian couple which their lawyers said on Monday could have…

Global News

Added on: 04/04/2019
Spain’s health minister called on Wednesday for so-called conversion therapy to be abolished after a report that a branch of the Catholic Church had offered to “cure”…

Global News

Added on: 04/04/2019
Captain Cat Burton always knew she wanted to be a pilot after her father took her in a jet fighter when she was just six months old….

Global News

Added on: 04/03/2019
An LGBT+ centre in Russia has been raided for reportedly ‘conflating’ rules on ‘gay propaganda’. Officers arrived at Rakurs, a community centre based in Arkhangelsk, on March…

Global News

Added on: 04/02/2019
Bosnian human rights activists announced on Monday that Bosnia’s first-ever Pride Parade will take place in September in the capital, Sarajevo, and will gather members of the…

Global News

Added on: 04/02/2019
The World Congress of Families, an anti-gay and reproductive rights conference organized by a designated hate group, opened in the northern Italian city of Verona on Friday…

Global News

Added on: 04/02/2019
We write to urge you to provide appropriate security and protection to ensure the rights to freedom of assembly and expression are protected during the March 30,…

Global News

Added on: 04/01/2019
Ahead of Ukraine’s presidential elections, the problems of the country’s LGBT community are being ignored by our leading politicians. None of the leading candidates’ programmes even mention…

Global News

Added on: 03/31/2019
The Cayman Islands has legalised same-sex marriage after a judge ruled prohibitions on such relationships was unconstitutional. The decision marked a personal victory – and the end…

Global News

Added on: 03/30/2019
The film “Boy Erased” highlights controversial conversion therapies in the United States, which attempt to change homosexual children to heterosexual. This practice is surprisingly common in France. …

Global News

Added on: 03/29/2019
Five years since the first same-sex UK marriage, Peter McGraith calls for marriage equality to be extended to Northern Ireland Equal marriage advocates Conor McGinn MP and…

Global News

Added on: 03/29/2019
Female Japanese footballer Shiho Shimoyamada has come out as gay and has encouraged other athletes to do the same before the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The 24-year…

Global News

Added on: 03/27/2019
Hidden away up several flights of stairs in the centre of Belfast, Northern Ireland, teenagers, many of them with shocks of red, blue and rainbow hair, relaxed…

Global News

Added on: 03/25/2019
ZAGREB, March 23, 2019 – Some of the gender equality indicators in Croatia, such as the number of boys and girls enrolled in primary and secondary schools,…

Global News

Added on: 03/25/2019
Britain should not put LGBT+ asylum seekers in immigration detention centres where they risk being abused and harassed by staff and other detainees, lawmakers said on Thursday….

Global News

Added on: 03/24/2019
Openly gay politician Robert Biedron is demanding the Polish government and president to recognise LGBT+ equality, including same-sex marriage. Biedron, a long-time LGBT+ campaigner who became Poland’s…

Global News

Added on: 03/23/2019
Eastern Europe has long resisted same-sex marriage. Prague might be about to change that. When Veronika Sediva, a 32-year-old consultant, visited the passport office in Prague two…

Global News

Added on: 03/23/2019
Italy’s co-deputy prime minister and governing Five Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio has slammed his coalition partner the League party as “medieval” for its support…

Global News

Added on: 03/22/2019
Luxembourg’s openly gay prime minister, Xavier Bettel, has boldly condemned Arab countries’ conduct towards LGBT individuals – much to their dismay. Leaders from Arab countries were taken…

Global News

Added on: 03/21/2019
Another four schools in Birmingham have reportedly halted lessons on diversity and LGBT issues following complaints by parents. In a letter quoted by the BBC, Leigh Trust said it was…

Global News

Added on: 03/20/2019
A Turkish police officer in the eastern city of Van has been suspended from duty because he is gay, German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) reported on Sunday. It all…

Global News

Added on: 03/20/2019
Activists have accused the UK government of “not caring” about equal marriage in Northern Ireland, after a car crash meeting with Northern Ireland secretary Karen Bradley. Karen…

Global News

Added on: 03/19/2019
A Russian court on Monday sentenced a top Chechen rights activist to four years in a penal colony after a drugs trial that has drawn condemnation from…

Global News

Added on: 03/18/2019
What many consider the first gay-pride march ever held in Central Asia has unleashed a storm of controversy in Kyrgyzstan, with threats of violence against participants, counterprotests,…

Global News

Added on: 03/18/2019
Germany has begun offering compensation to men who faced criminal investigations under historical anti-gay laws. The country extended compensation for LGBT+ people who faced oppression under authorities…

Global News

Added on: 03/18/2019
The leader of Poland’s right-wing ruling party used hostile language Saturday while speaking against rights for LGBT persons, a subject that has risen to prominence in his…

Global News

Added on: 03/17/2019
An activist youth arts festival in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the Russian Far East has been cancelled after authorities raised concerns that it was promoting an LGBT agenda, apparently…

Global News

Added on: 03/17/2019
Lisa Power, who lives in Cardiff, was the first openly LGBT person to speak on gay rights at the UN and has been a campaigner for decades….