
Global News

Added on: 06/16/2024
The Rome LGBTQ+ Pride parade celebrated its 30th anniversary Saturday as tens of thousands of people in brightly colored outfits marched through the Italian capital waving banners,…

Global News

Added on: 06/15/2024
Italy’s far-right government has denied that it removed references to abortion and LGBTQ rights in the final declaration of the G7 summit in Puglia. In the declaration,…

Global News

Added on: 06/09/2024
Monika Magashazi is a fighter. The 52-year old trans woman lives in Hungary — a country that has been ruled by Viktor Orban’s nationalist Fidesz party since…

Global News

Added on: 05/28/2024
Pope Francis used an offensive gay slang word during a meeting with Italian bishops, where he joked about the number of gay men in seminaries, media reports…

Global News

Added on: 05/23/2024
When far-right “outsider” Javier Milei was elected Argentina’s president in November, hard-right Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was the first European leader to congratulate him. In February,…

Global News

Added on: 05/20/2024
Italy was among nine EU countries that did not sign a declaration promoting European policies in favor of LGBT+ communities, sparking widespread protests within the country while…

Global News

Added on: 05/20/2024
RIETI, ITALY — Ella Anthony knew it was time to leave her native Nigeria when she escaped an abusive, forced marriage only to face angry relatives who threatened…

Global News

Added on: 04/30/2024
Tommaso de’ Cavalieri was the light of the age, unique in the world – at least in the eyes of the man who loved him. That ardent…

Global News

Added on: 04/22/2024
Outsider, queer and Indigenous artists are getting an overdue platform at the 60th Venice Biennale contemporary art exhibition that opened Saturday, curated for the first time by…

Global News

Added on: 03/19/2024
In the face of far-right prime minister Georgia Meloni’s ongoing assault on LGBTQ+ rights in Italy, lesbian moms in the country have won a small victory as…

Global News

Added on: 03/17/2024
Giorgia Meloni, the right-wing prime minister of Italy, could be set to shake up European politics in a big way. When Meloni and her Brothers of Italy…

Global News

Added on: 01/23/2024
The children of dozens of same-sex couples in Italy could see the name of their non-biological parent removed from their birth certificates, an ongoing trial may soon…

Global News

Added on: 12/25/2023
The display’s creator cited Pope Francis allowing priests to bless same-sex couples in his defense of the controversial scene © Catholic group Pro-Vita e Famiglia. Tens of…

Global News

Added on: 12/12/2023
A lesbian couple say they are fleeing Italy due to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s far-right government’s crackdown on the rights of LGBTQ+ parents. Chiara and Christine are…

Global News

Added on: 12/05/2023
General Roberto Vannacci was notified on Monday that he is under investigation over a anti-gay book that he recently self-published and has become a best-seller. The general…

Global News

Added on: 11/20/2023
TORVAIANICA, ITALY — Pope Francis’ recent gesture of welcome for transgender Catholics has resonated strongly in a working class, seaside town south of Rome, where a community of…

Global News

Added on: 11/09/2023
EU Member States should be forced to recognise LGBT parents, even if they forbid it in their own legislation, a committee in the European Parliament believes. Especially…

Global News

Added on: 10/02/2023
MILAN (AP) — Donatella Versace slammed the Italian government for what she described as anti-gay policies in a heartfelt and personal speech that referenced her late brother, Gianni…

Global News

Added on: 09/24/2023
Italian authorities are bringing in new measures targeting LGBT families and making it harder for them to have children. Many same-sex parents feel that a new law,…

Global News

Added on: 08/24/2023
A general at the top of Italy’s armed forces bashed gay people in a recent publication. But LGBTQ+ activists and officers tell Euronews that, despite ongoing challenges,…

Global News

Added on: 08/13/2023
A same-sex couple from Toronto took on Italy’s ruling right-wing political party and won after a moving image of their first moments with their newborn son was…

Global News

Added on: 08/05/2023
More than 100 transgender men have entered the Miss Italy pageant in protest after the event organiser said that transgender women would not be allowed to compete….

Global News

Added on: 08/04/2023
MILAN, Aug 3 (Reuters) – The city of Milan will resume registering children born abroad from male couples, its mayor said on Thursday, after challenging curbs imposed…

Global News

Added on: 08/01/2023
An Italian anti-LGBTQ+ political party has been ordered to pay the equivalent of $10,000 U.S. to a gay Canadian couple after it used a photo of their…

Global News

Added on: 07/25/2023
In January, Italy’s right-wing government ordered state agencies to cease registration of children born to same-sex couples. Now they’ve taken it a step further: a state prosecutor…

Global News

Added on: 07/17/2023
The shock news arrived without warning in January: Michela Leidi was being officially cancelled as the mother of her daughter on the infant’s birth certificate. “I cried…

Global News

Added on: 06/06/2023
The right-wing government of Italy’s Lazio region around Rome said on Monday it was withdrawing its backing from the capital’s annual LGBT parade, drawing an angry response…

Global News

Added on: 05/27/2023
A video of a trans woman in Milan being pepper sprayed, kicked and beaten by three police officers has caused a stir in Italy, with many drawing…

Global News

Added on: 05/16/2023
Four out of 10 LGBTQ people in Italy believe discrimination has damaged them at work, a survey by national statistics bureau ISTAT and state anti-discrimination office UNAR…

Global News

Added on: 05/06/2023
Street art in Italy championing LGBTQ+ rights has sparked controversy as the country’s hard-right government has appeared to clamp down on same-sex parents in recent months. Right-wing…