
Global News

Added on: 10/29/2023
More than 20,000 people marched through Johannesburg on Saturday to celebrate Pride, singing, dancing and making their support clear for LGBTQ+ communities across Africa who cannot be…

Global News

Added on: 10/19/2023
Legal challenges to anti-LGBTQ laws are under way in Africa and in the Caribbean. In the map above, which shows the 66 nations with anti-homosexuality laws, the…

Global News

Added on: 10/17/2023
The World Bank will aim to ensure gay and transgender Ugandans are not discriminated against in its programmes before resuming new funding, which was halted in August…

Global News

Added on: 10/14/2023
At a small shelter in Uganda, members of the LGBTQ community seek refuge from persecution after their government enacted one of the world’s harshest anti-homosexuality laws earlier…

Global News

Added on: 10/10/2023
When Richard Lusimbo came for the interview at an office in the suburbs of the Ugandan capital, Kampala, he looked exhausted. The bags under his eyes told…

Global News

Added on: 10/09/2023
The aisles of a clinic for HIV-positive patients on the outskirts of Kampala are almost deserted. However, staff keep an eye on CCTV footage for suspicious individuals, reflecting…

Global News

Added on: 10/03/2023
Uganda’s Constitutional Court on Monday took a first step toward hearing a challenge to an anti-gay law that rights activists and Western governments have denounced as draconian….

Global News

Added on: 09/29/2023
The passage of one of the world’s harshest anti-gay laws by Uganda’s government has unleashed a torrent of abuse against LGBTQ people, mostly committed by private individuals,…

Global News

Added on: 09/28/2023
Uganda is home to the largest refugee population in Africa – and the third largest in the world – and has been widely praised for its progressive…

Global News

Added on: 09/23/2023
Uganda has begun charging people under its draconian new anti-LGBT law, including two men accused of “aggravated homosexuality”, which can carry the death penalty. Human rights activists…

Global News

Added on: 09/15/2023
The Constitutional Court of Uganda has confirmed that it will review three petitions challenging the constitutionality of the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Act. The court announced that all legal…

Global News

Added on: 09/09/2023
Gay rights activists on Friday criticised a European Union announcement this week that it would not cut funding to Uganda over a harsh anti-LGBTQ law enacted in…

Global News

Added on: 09/01/2023
Human rights groups are concerned about recent crackdowns targeting LGBTQ people in parts of Africa under laws that restrict their very existence. Police in Nigeria arrested more than 60…

Global News

Added on: 08/29/2023
A 20-year-old man has become the first Ugandan to be charged with “aggravated homosexuality,” an offense punishable by death under the country’s recently enacted anti-gay law, prosecutors…

Global News

Added on: 08/21/2023
“Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace…

Global News

Added on: 08/16/2023
Holding hands with the person you love and share a life with can get you thrown into jail in Uganda. Even penning this article would carry a…

Global News

Added on: 08/15/2023
Despite global efforts to promote inclusivity and equal rights, several African nations have taken measures to crack down on LGBTQ+ communities, sparking concerns among human rights activists…

Global News

Added on: 08/11/2023
WASHINGTON, Aug 8 (Reuters) – The World Bank said on Tuesday it would halt new lending to the Ugandan government after concluding that its anti-LGBTQ law, which has…

Global News

Added on: 08/10/2023
The World Bank has said that Uganda’s anti-LGBTQ law, which has been condemned by many countries and the United Nations, contradicts the bank’s values. A World Bank…

Global News

Added on: 08/09/2023
The World Bank said on Tuesday it would halt new lending to the Ugandan government after concluding that its anti-LGBTQ law, which has been condemned by many…

Global News

Added on: 07/27/2023
U.S. officials and those working in the HIV response in Uganda said they are already seeing the detrimental effects of the controversial anti-gay bill that Ugandan President…

Global News

Added on: 07/27/2023
Tensions ran high at the University of Cape Town on Monday evening as supporters of gay rights confronted members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) ahead of…

Global News

Added on: 07/19/2023
In the latest sign of rising homophobia in different African countries, a Kenyan opposition MP is leading a campaign for parliament to further criminalise the country’s small…

Global News

Added on: 07/17/2023
White Christian nationalists are exporting their American culture wars to Africa and getting people killed with “kill the gays” laws, and we see what they are doing….

Global News

Added on: 07/14/2023
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on July 12 launched into a condemnation of Western attitudes on homosexuality during a visit to Uganda, which has just introduced some of…

Global News

Added on: 07/10/2023
When the US evangelical preacher and anti-LGBTQ+ crusader Scott Lively landed in Uganda in 2009 to warn of the “gay agenda”, he was arriving after a series…

Global News

Added on: 06/07/2023
Uganda’s harsh new Anti-Homosexuality Act took effect on May 30, when it was published in the official Uganda Gazette. Human rights activists have filed two petitions challenging…

Global News

Added on: 06/05/2023
Anti-LGBTQ bills in Kenya and Uganda have unleashed an unprecedented wave of online disinformation targeting the community, with experts accusing political leaders of spreading falsehoods that put…

Global News

Added on: 06/02/2023
Uganda just enacted one of the world’s harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws. Same-sex relations were already illegal there, but the new law goes much further, including life imprisonment for…

Global News

Added on: 06/01/2023
Uganda’s latest anti-Homosexuality law is one of the world’s most brutal legislations that seeks to restrict homosexual rights in Uganda and punish offenders. When lawmakers initially passed the bill in…