
Global News

Added on: 06/27/2019
More men than women in Iraq say they have been sexually harassed, while only 6% of Lebanese people think being gay is acceptable, according to a major…

Global News

Added on: 06/27/2019
A gay Nigerian former priest has received an award in recognition of his work supporting LGBTI African refugees. John Adewoye is a lifeline for many across the…

Global News

Added on: 06/27/2019
Three members of a group of vicious anti-gay criminals were apprehended last week at Ibusa town in Delta State, Nigeria. Members of the gang reportedly were arrested…

Global News

Added on: 06/23/2019
The world has been transformed in many ways in the 50 years since the uprising at the Stonewall Inn, with major shifts in the past decade alone…

Global News

Added on: 06/23/2019
As the sun set over the Atlantic Ocean, dozens of queer Liberians and their friends and family gathered on a stretch of beach outside Monrovia, the West…

Global News

Added on: 06/21/2019
Kenya’s government has ordered a group of 76 refugees to return to a camp they had fled after some of them faced homophobic attacks, a UN agency…

Global News

Added on: 06/19/2019
Burundi national Nina Muregwa says she feels threatened again. After escaping death threats back home over her sexual identity the 17-year-old thought she had found a sanctuary…

Global News

Added on: 06/18/2019
Last week, Botswana’s High Court made history when it overturned colonial-era laws criminalizing consensual same-sex relations. The ruling, which came mere weeks after Kenya’s High Court ruled to uphold its…

Global News

Added on: 06/14/2019
Swaziland should follow the example of its near-neighbour Botswana and decriminalise gay sex. The kingdom, also known as eSwatini, has much in common with Botswana. Both were…

Global News

Added on: 06/12/2019
Scores of LGBT+ refugees are in desperate need of emergency shelter after facing homophobic threats, violence and eviction warnings from community members in a Nairobi slum, the…

Global News

Added on: 06/12/2019
A group of young lawyers and courtroom professionals has founded Defenders Without Borders (Défenseurs Sans Frontières, or DSF), a human rights organization working on behalf of vulnerable…

Global News

Added on: 06/11/2019
Botswana’s High Court ruled on Tuesday to overturn colonial-era laws that criminalized homosexuality, a decision hailed by activists as a significant step for gay rights on the…

Global News

Added on: 06/10/2019
Botswana could decriminalise gay sex on Tuesday when its high court is due to rule in a landmark case being watched across Africa after Kenya recently upheld…

Global News

Added on: 06/06/2019
An LGBT tour operator has received death threats and hate messages on social media after launching a holiday to Ethiopia. Chicago-based Toto Tours’ 16-day trip to Ethiopia…

Global News

Added on: 06/05/2019
On a sunny morning in the central business district of Zimbabwe’s second city Bulawayo, 14-year-old Tapiwa is basking in the sunlight on a busy pavement. After running…

Global News

Added on: 06/04/2019
A gay rugby player who is facing deportation to Kenya, where he fears he will be subjected to persecution and violence because of his sexuality, has had…

Global News

Added on: 06/04/2019
On May 24, three months late, Kenya’s High Court decided whether to legalise gay sex. Human rights advocates had hoped to watch the start of a rainbow-colored…

Global News

Added on: 06/01/2019
On May 24, 2019, same-sex couples in Taiwan registered their unions as the country’s historic new law legally recognizing same-sex marriages went into effect. On the same…

Global News

Added on: 05/31/2019
As disputes over homosexuality continue to stir within the worldwide Anglican Communion, conservative African bishops say they will boycott a decennial gathering of top clerics next summer…

Global News

Added on: 05/25/2019
Hundreds of people in Uganda’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community have fled the country to escape homophobia and persecution. But many are now stuck in…

Global News

Added on: 05/25/2019
Kenya’s High Court on May 24, 2019 upheld laws criminalizing homosexual acts between consenting adults, a step backward in the progress Kenya has made toward equality in…

Global News

Added on: 05/24/2019
After winning a four-year battle against government efforts to shut it down, Tunisia’s leading LGBT+ rights group said it will push for gay sex to be decriminalised…

Global News

Added on: 05/24/2019
On a sunny morning last July, thousands of Timor-Leste residents took to the streets of Dili. Clad in white shirts, gripping rainbow-striped banners and flags, they were…

Global News

Added on: 05/22/2019
This Friday, Kenya’s High Court is set to rule on a case challenging colonial-era laws that criminalize homosexuality. The petitioners want the court to declare those laws…

Global News

Added on: 05/18/2019
Ghana, like many other countries in Africa, has not yet entirely accepted the LGBT community into our society. While many groups are defending them, they still face…

Global News

Added on: 05/18/2019
The United Nations has urged LGBT+ refugees in Kenya to show “calm and restraint” after protests demanding better treatment turned violent, with police firing tear gas and…

Global News

Added on: 05/17/2019
The 64th session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, was a sad time for the African continent’s…

Global News

Added on: 05/15/2019
For four days in March, a sanctuary for queer and trans people sprung up in Tunisia — a country where being gay is illegal. Mawjoudin Queer Film…

Global News

Added on: 05/12/2019
In Nigeria, LGBT people suffer various forms of discrimination at all levels within the society, even from within the Christian faith. Many Nigerians believe the Bible condemns…

Global News

Added on: 05/07/2019
West African nations display a mix of mostly abusive responses to LGBT people, including denial that they exist, lynchings and arrests even without anti-homosexuality laws. The context…