
Global News

Added on: 02/09/2023
Both activists say LGBT people in Mozambique, as in many African countries, face more barriers than the rest of the population when accessing health services due to…

Global News

Added on: 05/22/2020
It started with headaches then came nausea and diarrhea. Within two weeks, gay Ugandan barber Eric had became so weak without his HIV medication he could not…

Global News

Added on: 02/11/2019
Angola has done away with criminalizing homosexuality, removing a notorious “vices against nature” provision in its penal code. Other African nations still punish people for same-sex relationships. The…

Global News

Added on: 01/31/2019
In a landmark reform, 155 parliamentarians voted for Angola’s first overhaul of the criminal statute books since gaining independence from Portugal. They voted to drop the colonial…