Alturi Blog

Added on: 04/19/2022
Hunter Slingbaum
Alturi Contributor
For the past decade or so, South Korea has been experiencing a surge in widespread international attention. The rise of K-Pop (Korean pop music) and K-Dramas (Korean…
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Added on: 08/26/2021
Alturi Project Strategist
Canada leads with a perfect 10.0 sexual orientation gender identity legal index (SOGI-LI) SOGI-LI ranks countries by the recognition and protection their laws offer LGBTI people. Canada…
Added on: 08/01/2021
Alturi Project Strategist
X is a path forward in the inclusion of all human beings to be recognized and protected X as an option for gender identity goes beyond just…
Added on: 06/26/2021
Alturi Project Strategist
Historical Context Moving forward in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) human rights is challenging, especially with additional obstacles presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. More importantly,…
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Added on: 05/14/2021
Alexander Champeau
Alturi Contributor
Guatemala: LGBTI Interaction with Society and State As Equaldex notes, LGBTI rights in Guatemala are, at least on paper, quite elevated. The site notes that “homosexual activity”…
Added on: 04/26/2021
Alexander Champeau
Alturi Contributor
Four Months of Protests: LGBTI Protesters, From Bogazici to Now Starting in early January, students at Bogazici University went out into the streets to protest a new…
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Added on: 04/08/2021
Alexander Champeau
Alturi Contributor
Background on the Protests Thailand has a long history of coups, and as a result of these coups a long history of unstable government. Over the course…
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Added on: 03/30/2021
Alexander Champeau
Alturi Contributor
Background on Myanmar Myanmar itself is in Southeast Asia and neighbors Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, and Thailand. It is, per the BBC, a diverse nation of 54…
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Added on: 02/26/2021
Alexander Champeau
Alturi Contributor
The Early Story: Torture and Escape Per a joint statement by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and a few other human rights NGOs, Ismail and Salekh had been detained…
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Added on: 01/22/2021
Alexander Champeau
Alturi Contributor
Signed on the 4th of February, this Presidential Memorandum continues the trend of reversing Trump era policies and reinforcing or reinstating Obama era policies. Via the intro…