
Global News

Added on: 03/04/2022
Queer African people fleeing Ukraine are facing “intersecting violence”, campaigners have warned. More than one million people have fled Ukraine since Russia declared war. However, not all refugees are being treated…

Global News

Added on: 02/24/2022
Rights activists, students, and educators in Poland wait anxiously this week as the country’s president Andrzej Duda decides whether to sign a dangerous bill that would increase…

Global News

Added on: 02/12/2022
Across eastern Europe, it’s still very difficult to pass laws and policies designed to advance LGBT inclusion. With LGBT+ History Month underway, some Ukrainians are worried that…

Global News

Added on: 01/28/2022
Today (27 January) marks the International Day of Holocaust Remembrance, an occasion to commemorate the victims — especially European Jews, the main targets of Nazi oppression —…

Global News

Added on: 01/20/2022
A top Polish court adjourned on Wednesday a sitting on whether a continent-wide human rights court had the power to question local judges’ legitimacy in a case…

Global News

Added on: 01/14/2022
WARSAW, Jan 13 (Reuters) – Poland’s lower house of parliament on Thursday passed a bill by the ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party which will step…

Global News

Added on: 12/24/2021
From physical attacks to online abuse and legislative setbacks, the LBGT community in Central and Eastern Europe had little to cheer about in 2021. Populist governments in Poland,…

Global News

Added on: 12/12/2021
The bill has been pushed by the conservative Life and Family Foundation, which recently lobbied successfully for a restriction on abortion rights. It was introduced as a…

Global News

Added on: 12/09/2021
WARSAW, Dec 8 (Reuters) – The number of Polish LGBT people with depression rose by more than half between 2017 and 2020, according to a new study,…

Global News

Added on: 11/25/2021
PARIS/WARSAW, Nov 24 (Reuters) – France assured Poland on Wednesday of European Union support in its stand-off with Belarus, but reminded Warsaw it needed to resolve a…

Global News

Added on: 11/11/2021
Three activists cleared in Poland earlier this year over posters depicting the Virgin Mary with an LGBT halo are back in court today. They were acquitted of…

Global News

Added on: 11/05/2021
A gay Polish politician is asking the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to reverse a street name change made seven years ago that saw a gay icon…

Global News

Added on: 11/02/2021
So-called ‘LGBT-free’ zones have made Poland the laughing stock of Europe. But it’s no joke for LGBTQ+ people who face physical attack and verbal abuse – even…

Global News

Added on: 10/29/2021
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Polish lawmakers held an emotional debate Thursday on proposed legislation dubbed “Stop LGBT,” which would ban pride parades and other public gatherings deemed…

Global News

Added on: 10/11/2021
On Thursday, the country’s constitutional tribunal ruled that the EU and some of its key treaty articles go against Poland’s own constitution. Back in March, the country’s…

Global News

Added on: 10/07/2021
Last Monday, three Polish regional councils voted not to declare their provinces “LGBT-free zones” following the European Union’s threats to cut up to €126 million in funding…

Global News

Added on: 10/01/2021
After Swiss voters overwhelmingly backed same-sex marriage in a referendum on Sunday, LGBT groups in the country hailed a “historic day” for Switzerland. But the Swiss vote also…

Global News

Added on: 09/30/2021
Riding support from Poland’s right-wing populist Law and Justice Party and the local Roman Catholic clergy, nearly 100 provinces and municipalities in 2019 passed symbolic resolutions declaring…

Global News

Added on: 09/28/2021
WARSAW -Three Polish regional councils voted on Monday to repeal motions declaring their provinces “LGBT-free zones,” state-run news agency PAP reported, after the European Union threatened to…

Global News

Added on: 09/23/2021
A Polish province on Wednesday annulled a motion opposing “LGBT ideology” after the European Union threatened to pull funding, Polish state news agency PAP reported. Numerous local…

Global News

Added on: 09/22/2021
When conservative politicians started making anti-LGBT+ speeches on the campaign trail, Piotr Kalwaryjski, a gay man from western Poland, decided it was time to pack up and…

Global News

Added on: 09/15/2021
The European Union has a dismal track record when it comes to disciplining countries within its ranks. But this month it opened several new fronts in its…

Global News

Added on: 09/06/2021
The Council in Malopolska, which includes Kraków, has voted to re-affirm its status as an “LGBT-free zone”, despite the European Union (EU) threatening to remove billions of…

Global News

Added on: 09/04/2021
“Creating LGBTQ+ free zones is against Halacha,” Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich said at the kickoff for The Agudah – The Association for LGBTQ+ Equality in Israel’s…

Global News

Added on: 09/02/2021
Pride month ended this year with Europe divided. A rainbow curtain now cuts across the European Union, with Hungary’s anti-LGBT+ law just the latest sign of an…

Global News

Added on: 08/26/2021
Polish people living in Merseyside have revealed they are anxious about returning to their home country. Maciej, who lives in Southport, and Wiktoria, who lives in Liverpool,…

Global News

Added on: 08/22/2021
Parades for LGBT rights took place under heavy police presence Saturday at the foot of Catholic Poland’s most revered monastery in Czestochowa, in the south, and in…

Global News

Added on: 08/20/2021
This week a Polish regional council has voted to remain an “LGBT-free zone” despite a warning from the European Union that it could lose funding. Numerous local…

Global News

Added on: 08/02/2021
Poland has accused Germany’s justice system of putting European standards at risk after a Cologne court fined a Polish theologian for an article describing gay people in…

Global News

Added on: 07/27/2021
In late 2019, Polish activists began compiling an interactive map of the country’s ‘LGBT-free zones’. Within these towns and cities, the promotion of so-called ‘LGBT+ ideology’ is…